Extended Demo Test

This test is paginated by question category and aims to demonstrate even more of what WatuPRO can do. Enjoy!

  • General Questions
  • WatuPRO Related
  • Purchase & Support
  • Uncategorized

Page 1 of 4

General Questions

Here are just some general questions that demonstrate what kinds of questions you can create with WatuPRO. And this text here is a category description. If you add category descriptions and paginate your test by category the descriptions will automatically display on top of each page.
1. Have a look at this video. What animals were NOT shown on it?This question will be considered correctly answered only when you select ALL correct answers.

Other animals:
2. Of course you can also add math equations using some of the good LaTeX plugins. For example, here's an equation we created using WP Quick LaTeX:

Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

     \[ f_k = f(x_k),\: x_k = x^*+kh,\: k=-\frac{N-1}{2},\dots,\frac{N-1}{2} \]


Do you like it?
3. Sort the fruits alphabetically. (You'll get 1 point for each correctly sorted position, and -0.5 points for each incorrectly sorted one.)
  • Lemon
  • Apple
  • Strawberry
  • Pineapple
  • Banana
4. Match the following:(select the correct match in front of each left cell)
The sky is
Of course YES!








The water is
Of course YES!








Is it possible to use rich text formatting?
Of course YES!








The banana is
Of course YES!








5. Choose Rihanna


59 thoughts on “Extended Demo Test

  1. THANK YOU! I’ve been searching everywhere for a wordpress quiz plugin and this is by far the BEST out there. It’s literally everything that I wanted you have no idea. I could kiss you. (no homo)

  2. Can I display results to users by category? For example: The average test takers scored 90 on part A, you scored 87. The average test taker scored 54 in part b, you scored 92.

  3. First time here so please bare with me.

    I wanted to know if I can use the plugin to make quizzes with multiple choice answers, where the answers can be evaluated by frequency, and then reported by greatest frequency.

    For example: Ten questions, all multiple choice, A through E. Answer A corresponds with the category ‘Arrows’, B with ‘Blue’, C with ‘Cows’, D with ‘Dirt’ and E with ‘Eve’. The person answers the questions, with the ability to select multiple choices if wanted, presses ‘Submit’ button. Then the answers are evaluated by how many answers were for A, B, C, D and E. After a second or two, a new page is displayed in the browser that says something like: “From all the answers you answered, It seem like you’re more of a [insert category]. That’s awesome! Now tell your friends on Facebook!”

    It would be great if categories could be assigned to different letters per each question too.

    Additionally, I would like to know if there is a way to report or ‘post’ the results on a person’s Facebook page.

    If any of these are possible, which ones are, which plugin would I have to get and what add ons if necessary.

    Any ideas?


  4. We are running a daily question on our website and wanted to know if Watu Pro supports that. Meaning if users can login every day to answer a quiz question and accumulate points to win a prize. The winner will be the user with the most correct answers. Let me know if the application currently supports this.

  5. can users see their exam history and certificates on the front end or do they have to have access the dashboard?

    1. Yes Mike, see the shortcodes in the internal Help page. All user-facing pages from the dashboard can be exposed on the front-end via shortcodes.

  6. Can this plug in give specific information based on answers? For example if I ask if you are a smoker and there are three answers; A)No, B)Yes C) I quit less than 6 months ago, can additional information be presented to people that answer B and C. I am looking at this for writing a health assessment test.

    1. Yes Susan, you can use the “Optional answer explanation” for this and display different explanation depending on the answer.
      If you mean to display different information based on the whole quiz result, this is what “grades / resutls” are for.

  7. Can We create a big exam portal with this plugin,where daily more than 500 hundred exam can be conduct from the different location and different cities.

  8. Hi. I have been experimenting with other wordpress quiz plugins on a new site that is not running as yet (though it is visible). Unfortunately, most of my questionnaires work on a number questions in categories (personality, skills, values, and the like – seen the card sorting which is awesome!). I therefore need to show charts to the user about their category scores – preferably as a percentage (category compared to category. Before I purchase the full bundle, I just need to make sure this is possible. Can you please show me an example screenshot or a URL where this is done?

    Thanks for your help. Anthony

  9. We are currently using the Free version which is very good. We need to be notified that people taking our certification exam have passed or failed. Also to add various slides/illustrations. Will the Pro version work for us in this regard?

  10. Before I buy the pro version with add-ons I have a couple of questions.

    1 – Is it possible to create a question-pool and have a quiz created by randomly selecting from the pool? i.e: Make a pool of 1000 questions, then ask the plugin to generate a quiz of 20 randomly selected questions from the pool?

    2 – Is it possible to create multiple question pools (according to subject or category) and create a quiz drawing certain number of questions from each category?

    3 – Is it possible to show the answer explanation / give feedback after each question?

      1. Thank you,

        I was just lazy and asked the questions without reading through the information provided at the website. But I now have another slightly more complicated question that can be a make-or-break factor for me. We have a large depository of multiple choice questions each with an image file. It takes a long time to set up questions individually on the plugin. Is there a way to import questions with image files in batches? I have around 4.000 questions. šŸ™‚

          1. Thank you so much for the quick answers. I think I can now redesign my tutoring / education site around WATU. This will add so much more functionality to my site.

            p.s: With standardized paths it will actually take quite less than I thought it would.

            Will be purchasing WATU Pro soon.

  11. This product looks awesome, thank you! Do you know if there are any known conflicts with the Optimizepress Theme or Plugin? Their support centre doesn’t have any reference to Watupro, but I thought I’d ask here, too šŸ™‚

  12. Before purchase, I know this is primarily a quiz-type plugin, like I know you do sliders, and matches and T & F and such, but is there anywhere in your quiz option a user can type in an answer to a question? Like one of the questions in a quiz, the user can be asked to actually type in their own answer.

  13. Is it possible to record client information, such as a Name, age, phone, e-mail , street address, reasons for study, etc… to use it as an integrated placement system for an English school. We need to determine language levels for prospective students and make it almost paperless

  14. Hi, I need simple vocabulary TEST, like
    Question: BOOK
    Answer: KNIHA
    The Answer should be written by participant
    I need small field for correct answer, which type should I use

  15. Hi, If we have four computers in our office, could we use all of these computer to upload the quiz? OR we have to use the specific computer/ account to do so?

    Is it one time purchase product? Do I need to pay for extra money after that?

    Our goal is to upload different category of quiz(ex math/ science/ language…) to our website, then can let user(students) to pick out the different quiz. Is it possible? Also, could we post some video like lecture into the quiz?
    If possible, we hope students can print out the quiz that they done with the score/ answer explanation. Plus, the certification of completed. Is it possible?

    Again, Just want to make sure your product can automatically upload the quiz to website instead of manually type in, right?

    last but not least, do you have any commercial used restriction?

    Thanks!! I would appreciate if your can give me more detail about your product!!!



    1. You can use any computer.
      Regarding one-time purchase, here’s the info from the site:

      “After one year:

      We offer one year of free upgrades and free premium support. Will the plugin stop working after that? No. You can use it as long as you wish. If you want to renew upgrades and support for another year you will be able to do it with 60% discount.
      Will you automatically charge my credit card for renewal after 1 year?

      No. We will never automatically charge your credit card. We will send you promo code by email which will invite you to renew if you wish.”

      “Our goal is to upload different category of quiz(ex math/ science/ languageā€¦) to our website, then can let user(students) to pick out the different quiz. Is it possible? Also, could we post some video like lecture into the quiz?
      If possible, we hope students can print out the quiz that they done with the score/ answer explanation. Plus, the certification of completed. Is it possible?”

      Yes, all possible.

      “Again, Just want to make sure your product can automatically upload the quiz to website instead of manually type in, right?”

      Not sure what you mean. You can upload questions from CSV file, but they need to follow some of the supported import formats.

      “last but not least, do you have any commercial used restriction? ”

      You can create paid quizzes if you have the Intelligence module.

      1. Is it possible to upload tons of question by use CSV files at the same time without manually type in each question?

      2. Hello admin I want to ask in Free version or paid version, does both have time counter

        I mean when user start quiz there will be a time limit the user must complete the quiz within 3min is there a feature like that

  16. Hi, for the question “You can upload questions from CSV file, but they need to follow some of the supported import formats”.

    I mean if I already have tons of questions in mt database, could I use the your CSV file to upload automatically into the website? OR I have to manually type in all the question to the website?

    Do you have a screenshot of the CSV template.

    Last but not least, Just want to make sure again this product could allow user/ us to randomly select few question from the quiz database to make sure they can do different question every time. And user do not have to login in order to do the question, which means they can do the quiz in our website without creating an account, right?

    Thank you so much and I really like your product!!

  17. Is this a Plugin or Add-on?
    Could I use this to create the quiz OR I have to install other LMS, then add-on this product to create the quiz?

    Last but not least, the CSV file that can allow us to upload tons of question seems difficulty, right?


  18. Hi ! I have 2 problems need to be figured out…

    First? Is it possible that measure the result by categorizing questions into different spheres (the method of calculating the result is similar to the MBTI quiz) ?
    For example,
    question 1-5 is Business Strategy sphere, (S)
    6-10 is Financial sphere, (F)
    11-15 is Law sphere, (L)

    I will be grateful for any further information you can provide, thanks!


    16-20 is Marketing, (M)
    and there will be 8 spheres, at the end, the result could show in this way, “SFLM” that represents two highest and lowest score of the sphere.

    Second? Is it possible that options can be weighted ?
    For example,
    Option A can be scored for 1 point
    Option B can be scored for 0 point
    Option C can be scored for -1 point



  19. hi, does it supports Arabic and RTL? also any way we can change the style and make it more modern and eye-catching?

    thank you

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